Self-love is essential in developing self-compassion, aiding in self-care, stress reduction, and working towards achieving our goals.
Research indicates that individuals with greater self-compassion have a lower likelihood of developing depression or anxiety.

Each of us possesses unique ways to reduce stress, which we rely on during times of pressure or unease.
These may include calming photos, uplifting music, inspirational quotes or poems, and meditative practices that promote tranquility and inner peace.

Self love for children
To understand your child's self-perception, encourage them to discuss their positive and negative qualities.
Children with low self-esteem may struggle to identify positive aspects and may tend to dwell on the negative.
If they are able to express what they appreciate about themselves and discuss their strengths, it indicates a healthy level of self-esteem.
Parents and families can effectively teach children self-love by nurturing their own self-esteem, promoting body positivity, and fostering self-compassion.
Encouraging parents to openly appreciate qualities about themselves can set a positive example. It's important for parents to avoid displaying negative body image or self-criticism in front of children. Instead, emphasise the capabilities of the body rather than its outward appearance.

We have created a home and apparel collection featuring our lovely 'hibiscus' design to promote self-love and self-care.
Click on the images below for more information and to be taken to our online shop.
As always thank you for reading our blog and being a valued part of Bucks Family Network.
What you don't heal you pass on.
Be well,
We have some free therapy colouring sheets to help you relax and enjoy some creativity.
Just download them and print them at home or school.